Casa Wabi Orchid Pavilion

Fundación Casa Wabi is non-profit organization that encourages a dialog between contemporary art and the local communities based on our three locations: Puerto Escondido, Mexico City and Tokyo. The name comes from the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, which believes on finding beauty and harmony in simplicity, the imperfect and unconventional. Our mission is focused on building a social development through art, which in itself is carried on through five core programs: residencies, exhibitions, clay, cinema and mobile library. Casa Wabi is located in the Pacific coast, 20 minutes away from the Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca airport. Situated between the mountains and the sea, the main location was designed by the Japanese architect Tadao Ando (Pritzker, 1995) and under the initiative of Mexican artist Bosco Sodi.

Location: Puerto Escondido, Mexico
Design Team: maarc studio 
Area: n.a.
Competition year: 2021
Visualisation: maarc studio

© maarc studio 2024