Berlin Residential Development

With the goal of helping the Berlin residential crisis we developed a sustainable timber project that would be a small step forward to increase the number of residential units available. Germany is far from its annual quota of new housing units as property developers are going bankrupt, cancelling projects, postponing construction, and laying off employees.

The demand for new residential enormous, rates rise as the market for smaller flats of 20-40 m2 is growing and these are our target areas. 

As architects we care about creating a liveable city where quality of life and the built environment is first on the priorities list and not cutting corners.

With this project we want do our small part on the path to easing the housing problem. Using sustainability and the latest tech in design we reduce time invested and many additional costs, this way we will streamline the design and construction process while reducing risks.

We are currently researching and negotiating possibilities of financing to make this project a success. 

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